Fix Public Communication to Overcome the Pandemic

The results of the Kompas R&D survey in July showed that 60.7 percent of respondents believed the government would be able to overcome the pandemic.
Only 36.4 percent of respondents are not sure that the government will succeed in controlling Covid-19. Judging from the course of public assessments in the past year, the trend of the confidence figure tends to be sloping down. However, the confidence figure is still positive and still higher than the assessment in October 2020. At that time, the confidence level was only 55.6 percent with the respondents' uncertainty being the same as today. This means that the current level of public confidence is still better. One of the urgent things to do is to optimize the management of communication to the public. The reason is, according to a lecturer in political communication at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN), Gun Gun Heryanto, there is a tendency to decrease the level of public confidence in the government in controlling the pandemic, one of which occurs because the management of public communications is not yet optimal. There is a tendency for the narratives presented by officials to trigger unnecessary debate. A public policy observer from the University of Indonesia, Agus Pambagio, added that now it is also necessary to reform the basic legal aspects in making policies to handle the Covid-19 pandemic. "The name of the policy has changed so that it confuses the public," he said.


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