Apart from Vaccines, South Korea Relys on Paxlovid

In addition to the vaccine, South Korea and Africa will try to use Paxlovid, Pfizer's antiviral pill, to block Omicron. In a statement, a senior official with the South Korean Agency for Disease Control and Prevention (KDCA), Kim Ki-nam, said, starting today, the government will treat Covid-19 patients with Paxlovid.
The move comes amid the spread of the highly contagious Omicron strain. KDCA reported that last Wednesday there were 4,167 cases. "Given the much higher infectiousness of Omicron, drugs must play a significant role in containing the number of patients who will show worsening symptoms, even if the triggering virus is relatively non-malignant," said Kim Ki-nam. Kim further said that the use of Paxlovid was an effort by the South Korean government to minimize new infections caused by the Omicron strain and its impact on the country's medical capacity. The move is understandable considering that health authorities in a number of countries have warned of the threat of new cases triggered by Omicron, as happened in the United States and Europe. South Korea is the first Asian country to use Paxlovid. At least South Korea already has 630,000 grains of Paxlovid which is enough for 21,000 patients.

|•SOURCE•| Articles :KOMPAS | Image :IDX CHANNEL |


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